Dear diary…
We came to Valencia by plane on Monday night. Then we went to the hotel located in the city center. We liked it a lot because it is very well-equipped and clean. This trip has been very interesting and informative but what matters is that we have learned many things, especially through talking to people in the streets, but also by making games in order to get to know the monuments. We have discovered many places of the city and various customs and legends of Valencia.
In school we have learned many new words, in particular some Valencian words. And we also did a cooking lesson where Chef Nando showed us how to cook paella which is a typical Spanish dish.
Rosamaria La Vecchia
In Taronja School we have learned many things while talking to professor Luis, who has taught us new words. Thanks to him the lessons were very interesting and very informative but also very entertaining. From Tuesday to Thursday, we have studied a little grammar and have done a lot of talking, while Friday morning we have made a ‘gymkhana’ where we talked to people in the streets.
Christina Di Napoli
When we went to the bullfighting museum we saw a very good video about all the steps taken before the fights. Before coming to the arena the bulls are in a place where they can eat and relax for four years. After this period they are moved to the arena and they are put behind the arena. On the day of the fights, the bulls enter the arena and fight against a team of bullfighters and the bullfighter has to kill the bull. After this video we have seen the suits of very famous bullfighters in Valencia and some pictures of how the bulls live and in this room is also a stuffed bull.
Giusy Acampa
We have visited the Central Market on Wednesday, 14 December. Marta, our guide, has given us a duty to do. We had to ask some questions to people at the market. I was paired with my friend Giusy. The walk through the market has been a lot of fun. The market is very large and has many different food stores and then, me and my friend, we have made a series of photographs of food, as for example oranges, cabbage and fish. Also people have been very helpful and friendly. This visit I liked a lot and has been very useful for conversation practice.
Giulia Emigrato
In school we have had a cooking lesson with Chef Nando this Wednesday, where we prepared the typical dish of Valencia: the seafood paella. He has explained all the steps of the dish, from the beginning to the end, in a very sympathetic and funny way…also breaking the mortar! The ingredients were: round rice, red peppers, onions, peas, shrimp, squid, tomato, mussels, olive oil and a little salt. Afterwards we ate the Paella and we liked it a lot!
Fabiana Pandolfelli
Last Wednesday we went to visit the Fallas Museum at the Plaza de Monteolivete, near the ‘City of Arts and Sciences’. It is a typical museum of the city of Valencia dedicated to the Fallas.
The Fallas is a period of celebration, held in spring from March 1st to 19th, the day of San José. During this period the streets are crowded and noisy because of firecrackers and fireworks. And the most important part are the Fallas, doll sculptures that are put in the street, made out of materials that can be burned because on the last day, traditionaly the dolls are going to be burned. To built them, the artisans need a lot of time, about one year.
In this museum we have seen a video and after that, the exposure showing the work of the artisans and pictures which show different falleras from this time.
About the dolls, we can say that they are made with a lot of fantasy. Some represent famous novels and each year the most beautiful works «win» a place in the museum. These «works of art» have a great value ranging from € 4,500 to € 12,000.
We really liked this museum because it has a lot of charme and we also liked the warning of the people’s attachment to this tradition (especially in the video), despite the complaints about the waste of money spent to celebrate the Fallas.
Sara and Serena Ginestous Ucelli
VISIT AT THE MUVIM (Valencian Museum of Illustration and Modernity)
When we went to the MUVIM we made a trip back in time. From the beginning of the world until today we have discovered many secrets of artistic and literary history through the displayed images. Our guide was very special because he had a black robe that covered his whole body, so at first we were a little scared, but then everything was interesting and suggestive. We have gone through time walking down dark corridors and following our guides from one century to another. In short, the visit was very nice and we all liked it.
Francesca Contini
Today we have had a very interesting experience: We have had a gymkhana organized by Taronja School for us Italian students.
This activity started at about 9am and our teacher, Luis, has given us a sheet with some questions about different places and topics. This game was about the interaction with people and places of Valencia. It has been a lot of fun.
We had to do the following:
asking people in the streets about the tallest building in the city, the Horchata, their favorite place, the characteristics of the Valencian people and the names of three famous people originally from Valencia;
taking pictures of objects starting with Z and T, street furniture with a particular utility, decorative street furniture and a display window, and also describe the photos;
searching for two bookstores near the school, enter those and ask the librarian about Spanish books, books for foreigners and the most sold ones throuhout the year;
going to the train station ‘Estacion del Norte’ and ask people about the fruit that is painted on the facade, which animal was on the roof when the building was constructed, and also taking a picture with one person in front of the station;
also, finding out how to become a new user of Valenbisi;
going to an information office for subway and busses, and asking how to get to the Mestalla Stadium and the ‘City of Arts and Sciences’ departing from the Spanish School;
and finally, finding a souvenir shop and asking the shopkeeper which the most sold object is and furthermore why this object is representative of Valencia.
Sara and Serena Ginestous Ucelli

Tags: Cursos de español en España, Cursos de español en Valencia, Spanish school in Valencia