Ladies and gentlemen, I`m Guillermo Morales Sillas. Some people say I look like a survivor, some others say I look like Poseidon and others say I`m a simple farmhand. To tell the truth I don`t really care about it, what matters is that you think about other cool things as learning Spanish, a language that has beautiful words like «zurrón», «cundir», «terciopelo», «apechugar» and even «apechusques». I studied Classic Philology and at the present moment I teach Spanish in this fun school. I hope to see you in the halls, otherwise I´ll see you in

Hello past, present and future students! I´m Teresa, la profesora que te interesa! If you come to Taronja with us maybe we can get to know each other and have some classes together. I´m the youngest teacher in the school ( I took Victor´s place) and the one who talks the most. I love animals ( I´m a little bit obsessed with my cat Pepetoni and I´m scared to death of birds, but the most important thing… I LOVE my job!
Hi! My name is Ana and I’m the «ajo» (garlic) of Mariajo ;)!
I live in a wonderful city and although I love to go out and drink wine in Valencias sweet corners, when I want to disconnect I pass the weekens in a small village with my family.
I am an ELE teacher and work at Taronja since 2012. I am also a speech therapist and as such I have one major flaw, I will watch your pronounciation and your expression to the fullest!, Among other things …
Like Carlos, I’m a fan of Valencia CF and unlike Victor, I love going to the bulls. I really like to sing but I don’t know why my friends forbid me to do it, because they say when I sing the sun goes down. Anyway, they are very strange…
Do you know the saying “Nunca te acostarás sin saber una cosa más (You will never go to sleep without knowing something more)”? Well, that’s what happens to me with my wonderful students and what will happen to you with me. I hope to see you in my classes.
See you soon! 🙂
Hello! I’m Jenny, teacher and head teacher at TARONJA. I’m from Valencia (although according to my name it does not seem like it). I love black chocolate Crêpe and shrimps …, lol, so if you ever want to invite me over, you know what I like.
In my spare time I like to paint and take care of the plants on my terrace. I live with a cat named Neko and the cat is the cutest and the best in the whole world (cuter than the one from Carlos). I enjoy coming to work every day and especially sharing awesome moments with my colleagues at Taronja. The truth is I’m specialized in new technologies for language teaching and I have been hired to revolutionize the Spanish school.
Hi I’m Charlos the teacher with the most beard at TARONJA. I’m from of a beautiful city at the coast called Gandía, cradle of Fideuá which is a type of paella cooked with pasta instead of rice (I love it a lot more than paella :p).
I came to TARONJA long after finishing my studies in Spanish Philology at the University of Valencia in 2007. How time flies! I love my job because it’s like a dream for me to meet so many people interested in my language and my culture. As for my hobbies I love animals: I have a very cute black cat named Coco, I love soccer (Amunt Valencia CF) and I love all types of modern music from hip-hop to metal, especially in Spanish . I hope to see you in one of my classes. A hug! Rock!
My name is Adela and I am the longest-serving teacher at the Spanish school. I’m Valencian and passionate about my country, its cuisine, its landscapes, its traditions, etc. As a child I loved to read and write stories and as I grew older I decided to be a specialist in Spanish language and literature and so I studied Spanish Philology. In my time as a Spanish teacher I have learned to enjoy my profession. To teach others and help them on their path of learning is a task full of enriching and unforgettable moments.
Another of my greatest passions are cats and I can assure you that my cats, Batman and Sultan, are unique in their kind. They are Persian cats and I have to brush their fur to be shiny every day.
I do not do any sports but I’m going to Flamenco classes to stay in shape, to learn to coordinate the whole body and disconnect me from the world.
Well, a big salute and hopefully see you very soon!
Hi, I’m Mariajo, yes like garlic, though it has nothing to do with that, but my full name is Maria José.
I’m a Spanish teacher of the school and I graduated in Spanish Philology. I did a professional training for teaching at the Spanish school and then I was teaching already.
I love being a Spanish teacher. I learn many things from other countries while I teach my language and my culture. As for my hobbies, I really like the countryside, but I never say no to a good beach day. I like extreme sports, I love motorbikes and occasionally I pick up a good book and lose myself in it: daydreaming.
I hope to see you soon at the Spanish school!
Hello! My name is Álex and I am a teacher at the Spanish School. I was born in Valencia and although I enjoy traveling, I’ve always lived here. I studied law for three years but I realized I would never be a good lawyer because they are very serious, so I studied Spanish Philology.
I love being a Spanish teacher because I get to know many people who tell me things about their countries and cultures, and every day you learn something new.
I like the classic motorbikes but usually I go everywhere by bicycle! I also like sports such as tennis and squash, but my favorite of all is ping pong or table tennis, how we call it in Spanish.
Other hobbies are reading and watching movies from other countries. Although I prefer Spain, I also love the French culture and cuisine and so I’ve put a photo in Paris. Ah! I have a cat because it’s my favorite animal, called Dalí.
Hello. My name is Dario and I am a Spanish teacher at Taronja School. I’m from Benimaclet, a district in the north of Valencia. Now I live in London, where I work as a Spanish and French teacher. But in summer I always come back to Taronja because I love working in an international environment.
I have a degree in Philosophy from the University of Valencia and I have a masters degree in Language Teaching at Sheffield Hallam University (UK).
I’m passionate about music. I’m a singer and sometimes I give concerts in Valencia to animate the staff. I also love swimming and philosophy (especially the one at the bar).
The photo shows me drinking orange juice (in Valencian «suc de taronja»). I guess you know that Valencias oranges are the best in the world for its sweet flavor and carnose texture.
In my Spanish classes I try to make people have fun, and above that to learn a good deal. So, if you come to my Spanish classes …Get ready because you are going to work hard!
Taronja rocks!
Hi, I’m Sergio! I teach Spanish at Taronja School since 2008. I studied Spanish Philology at the University of Valencia. I studied also the CAP (the studies to be a teacher). A language is something you can learn in a creative and fun way. Through music, songs, movies and not only by studying grammar. I love teaching my language to students from other cultures. It’s rewarding. To share culture with others always makes you develop as a person. Spanish is not a difficult language. It is only a language that needs motivation, passion and effort. Everyone can learn it and also at any age. For me music is very important and one day a week I take the guitar to school to sing with the students, so vocabulary can be learned in a different and more fun way. So if you come to Taronja, you will have fun studying.
Víctor Manuel

Víctor, professor at Taronja