Hola a todos,
I’m Virginia, an Italian student of Taronja. I arrived four weeks ago and tomorrow I will go back home. For this reason I am very sad right now! Before arriving here I thought that one month away from Italy at an unknown place, where I’ve never been before, would be too much, but the time passed by so fast and know it’s time to leave. Taronja is like a family. It is not possible to not make friends, especially if you participate in every acitivity the school organizes. During this month I made many things like participate in the fantastic Tapas Tour, I went to the Paella Party, joined the cooking class of the very likeable Cef Nando.. I can’t forget him saying «This?…mmm very good!»!
I went to watch the bull fight and although I did’nt really like it because they kill the bulls, it impressed me. But I was able to get to know this Spanish tradition.
One of the funnier things I did was the party at the beach where you can eat and drink until morning, passing the night dancing, talking, playing the guitar with your friends. The boss of the school and all the teachers are very kind, they help you out if you have a problem and you can go out with them, having a very very funny night.
I got to know many people and some of them are from the same city, so I hope and I’m sure that I will meet them when I go back home because we became friends.
I want to thank especially some teachers who made this experience unforgettable, like Ana, Noelia, Ricardo and Víctor. The women always come at first! =) I also thank the intern Antonia who always shouted at us «¡Chiiiicoooooos, vamooooos!»
I will miss you Taronja home, thank you for everything! I’m leaving but a part of my heart stays here.