In second class of group 1 and 2, we have studied Spanish cinema, specifically the Goya Award finalists from this year.
First, the teacher showed us the titles of the four nominated films for Best Film Goya: La voz dormida (The sleeping voice), Blackthorn: Sin destino (Blackthorn: without destination), No habrá paz para los malvados (No peace for the wicked) and La piel que habito (The skin I live). In addition, we have seen the covers, synopses and finally, the trailer of each film.
After briefly getting to know and interpreting the topic of each nominated film, we thought about what movie we want to see or not. To do this, we thought about our likes and gave reason for our choices:
Simone: «I’d like to see La voz dormida because I am interested in post-war history, but I also want to see La piel que habito because the trailer is very interesting.»
Vincent: «I don’t like any of them because they discuss very serious topics, I prefer watching comedies.»
Oksana: «The title of La voz dormida attracted my attention. I’ve seen La piel que habito and I didn’t like it that much, but nevertheless I recommend it because it is very different to other movies of Almodóvar. »
Raphael: «I would pick La piel que habito o No habrá paz para los malvados. The first one because it is about science and the second one because I like the topic of revenge. »
Nils: «I would like to see No habrá paz para los malvados because I want to meet José Coronado. La voz dormida seems to be boring and I’ve seen the other two films already. »
Fernanda: «I love movies and, therefore, I would like to see all the movies the teacher has shown us.»
Reinhild: «I would like to see La voz dormida because I like movies that are about history. I’m not really interest in the others because I think they are very violent, and the one with the cowboy, very boring. »
So Yang: «I’d like to see La voz dormida because I like dramatic movies. I’m not interested in the other ones because I do not like action or violence.»
Kim: «I also would like to see La voz dormida because I like the topic of post-war history. I wouldn’t want to see Blackthorn because I do not like western. »
Finally, we have watched an extract of the Goya gala on youtube, with the award’s winner, “No habrá paz para los malvados”.

Tags: Spanish courses in Spain, Spanish courses in Valencia, Taronja Spanish school