Noorderpoort, Holland.
We found everything to be wonderful and powerful. Valencia is beautiful! The activities were fun and interesting. We liked it.
Yoica, Joyce, Roy and Kendra.
Valencia gave us a fantastic experience that we had during the last two weeks of »Fallas», which was a great show. Every day fireworks and also good weather. The Spanish classes and workshops we had, were very instructive and very enthusiastic teachers. We would recommend this course to anyone. Kisses.
David, Kyo, and Ilvy.
Hi. I’m from Netherlands. I’m 20 years old and I’m studying art and design at the Noorderpoort in Groningen. We’re her for two weeks, including the Fallas Festival. So about the country: I really love the weather, the people and the fine prices. Also my guest family. They are such a nice family. I really like them. The thing I don’t like is the amount of people. It’s so crowdy, don’t like it, sorry. But the party’s are much fun, and the beer is so cheep. This two weeks we are studying at Taronja school. The teachers are so nice and the classes are fun. I would love to come again. Hope to see all of the people again!
We’re from the Netherlands. We’re studying art and design. The most likable things are: streetart, food, fallas, weather, spanish lessons, the people and architecture. The streetart is for more interesting than in our hometown. We love the spanish people greet each other. The fallas is the most spectacular thing by for…
I’m from Netherlands. I study art and design at KTM Nooderpoort. I really liked the food, fallas, people, school, teachers and my host family. The fallas is great. Every day were amazing. I really going to miss Valencia so much. ¡Me gusta mucho Valencia!
Hello. I’m from Holland. I’m studying art and design in Groningen. I really enjoyed my time in Valencia, it’s a beautiful city and the people are really kind. In fallas there was a lot of Fireworks. I also liked the ‘’mascletá’’. The weather is really nice, and if you want to relax you can go to the most beautiful bach I’ve ever seen.
Tags: Escuela de español en Valencia, learn Spanish in the Taronja school, Spanish course in Valencia, Spanish school in Valencia, Valencia city and Spanish classes