Orsoline San Carlo, Italia
Hello! We are a group of very nice people who are coming from Como, a little city in Italy where there is a lake and a lot of green zones. We are between 16 and 18 years old and we like Spain a lot because the people are very friendly and social. During our week of excursion we went to alternated clases with activities related to tourism. We spoke with a lot of people who have explained us how the world of working runs, especially about companies and jobs related to law because we study Law and Economics. According to us Spanish isn’t that difficult because it’s similar to Italian and because the people are friendly we spoke more and so we learned more. During the night we went out and were we together and that’s why we don’t want to go back to our home but we hope return. We recommend you this experience.
Hello! We are a group of Italian students from the north of Italy. During this week we have learned a lot because the teachers are fantastic. The Spanish language is full of culture and the meaning is revealed during all of our happy moments this week: we read, we sang, we danced and learned during the classes because the most important thing to speak Spanish is the serenity and the power of willing. Thanks a lot to the teachers, Ana and Teresa, and to all the other people of Taronja School who gave us this vacation!
Tags: aprende español el la taronja, aprender español, aprender español y disfrutar, Cursos de español, Cursos de español en España, Cursos de español en Valencia, español en la escuela Taronja de Valencia, learn and practice your spanish, Taronja Spanish school, taronja the spanish school in valencia, valencia to learn spanish