Posts Tagged ‘Cursos de español en Valencia’
Kira, Alemania
Florian, Alemania
Hola! Soy Florian de Alemania. Estuve en Valencia durante 5 semanas para mejorar mi español. Tuve un tiempo maravilloso. Las clases fueron provechosas y muy divertidas. Fue un ambiente agradable para aprender, con profesores muy ambiciosos y motivadores. ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS A TODOS MIS PROFES!
Las actividades ofrecidas por la escuelas después de las clases y los fines de semana fueron fantásticas. Por ejemplo la «clase de cocina» que pareció ser una obra de teatro o el «Club DiLE». Una clase guay y útil para conocer la literatura hispanohablante y practicar la compresión auditiva y la expresión escrita (Gracias Ana). O las excursiones a lugares en Valencia o sus alrededores. En general las actividades fueron todas bien organizadas y interesantes. Aprovecho la ocasión para darles las gracias a todos los becarios por su enorme trabajo.
Había decidido vivir esta experiencia en un ambiente familiar y tengo que constatar que acerté con esta decisión: me sentí muy bien acogido. Pasé estas semanas en una casa muy cercana a la escuela. Mi anfitriona es una persona muy amable y pasé un tiempo super guay. ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS MAMÁ!
Resumiendo: MI estancia en la escuela Taronja para mi ha sido todo un éxito, he pasado unas semanas inolvidable…. A ver como voy a encontrar el hueco para poder repetir esto próximamente.
Por eso no voy a decir ¡Adiós! sino ¡Fins després! (Por cierto, GRACIAS también por los cursillos deValenciano)

Marion, France
Hi! My name is Marion and I’m from France. I stayed here a month for learning the language and now it’s easier to understand the language. For me Taronja is the best school in the world, because the teachers are amazing and very nice…and a little crazy! They are all the best! The school proposes a lot of different activities like: tapas tour, paella party, the excursions, salsa and cooking courses….All the activities are wonderful! But in my opinion the best activity was the night of San Juan. This month was perfect, the only problema was that the time passes really fast. I want to thank all the teachers (Teresa, Sergio, Flor, Ángel, Guillermo, Cristian, Pablo, Carlo…) and the administration. Thank you all very very much!

The 12 amazing weeks that I had at Taronja are finished. I had an amazing time at the school and in Valencia. Taronja is the best option if you want to enjoy the spanish life and culture. The teachers are really nice. I had a really good time during the classes and the activities. If you want to go trekking or to visit the city, Taronja is perfect for you because it organizes a lot of activities every weekend. ¡Thank you Taronja for giving me the passion of Spain. I would really like to come back someday! See you soon!

Caroline, Austria
Hi! My name is Caroline and I’m 18 years old. I’m from Austria and I study spanish at the school in Austria. I wanted to improve my spanish, this is why I stayed in Valencia for 5 weeks and I like being here a lot. It was an amazing experience for my life. I learnt a lot and not just spanish but also the spanish life and the spanish culture. I really like Taronja school, the teacher are very good and the activities the they offer are very funny and cool. I loved everything about Valencia: the beach, the school, the apartment, the teachers, the students…¡ I had an amazing time!

Gi, South Korea
Dear Taronja school!
Thank you for giving me the ability to speak spanish during this 12 weeks. I want to thank Taronja and the teachers that are teaching there. I always speak about the teaching with enthusiasm and kindness. This is going to be a good memory. See you next time. ¡God bless you! ¡Gracias!

Gi, Corea del Sur
Estimada escuela Taronja!
Gracias será capaz de aprender español durante las últimas 12 semanas. Gracias por la Taronja y los profesores que enseñan mientras tanto. Siempre tengo la amabilidad y el entusiasmo que la enseñanza era buena. Este será un buen recuerdo. Nos vemos la próxima vez. Ojalá las bendiciones de Dios sean con usted! Gracias!

Mogu, China
After 3 years, finally I’m here again. A lot of people asked me why I came back, why did I choose the same place with the same people. I came back not only because Chef Nando gave me the biggest present ever but also because of the amazing experience that i had the last time.
Like three years ago, the classes and the activities keep being very funny, the teachers keep being very kind and caring ( and handsome), Chef Nando’s plates keep being the best and the bosses the teachers and the fellows keep working every day and night organizing and preparing the activities for the students.
Taronja improved a lot it’s facilities and it’s diversity of the activities. I attended for its growth like Taronja attended at my own growth. I always felt this affection at the school. Even if we didn’t speak a lot while i wasn’t here. the teachers remembered my studies, my stories and my teddies. When I came back i felt like nothing changed. Even if I’ll leave on Saturday I already miss you so so so much. It makes me cry only thinking that I have to leave. It has been a long time this I got so emotional. I want to stay here. I only I had more time…. if only I had a house here in Spain…. If only I had a job here ….
The last time I came to Valencia, we had the jamón and the queso party at the beach. It was my last night. And tomorrow we’ll have the same party. ¡What a coincidence! Like the moon, the circle closes.
¡ I hope i will come back very soon! Mariajo I will stay at your place the next time ¿ok? ¡Pinky promise! (And also one day at Marion’s place!) ¡Muaaaak to everyone!

Julia, Suecia
Mi tiempo en Taronja ha sido muy bueno.He disfrutado mucho mi tiempo aquí. Tuve excelentes profesores que saben enseñar y son muy divertidos. Yo no hice muchas de las actividades pero pienso que es una cosa muy buena que hay cosas que todos pueden haces juntos. En casa habían algunas reglas estrictas pero aparte de esto mi experiencia en Valencia fue estupenda.

Ludmila, Russia