A perfect week…
This week in Valencia has been great!
The city is great, there are many interesting places to visit, such as the Oceanografico, Albufera, the Park de Turia, the city centre, museums, and the beach.
We also visited some fallas, saw some of the lights and listened to some music in Calle Sueca and Literato Azorin.
We loved the Mascleta, and how everyone would run to see it, even though the sound was loud enough to disturb our class. The activities organised by the school were very interesting and fun, especially when we went out on the streets to speak with the people! Valencian’s are very open and friendly! At night, we
partied a lot, finding new places and really good-looking guys.
It was very nice staying with the family, and we felt at home.
It has been a fun week, filled with activities, but: our legs and feet hurt a lot!
We would like to come here again.
Alessia, Angelica, Viviana, Marico
Valencia… what to say about Valencia?
When we got here, it seemed a sad city to us because it was grey, cold and bucketing down with rain. But when the sun came out, we saw the real city: the happy, warm, friendly, welcoming people… We felt at home!
Incredible experiences we will never forget. The bullfight, the fallas, the mascleta, the partying, drinking agua de Valencia or a few beers with tapas.
Also, the classes in school were really interesting and fun, thanks to Victor, Alex and Jenny. They made us laugh so much! Thanks also to Marta who taught us loads about the city.
We will miss Valencia for sure!
Ilenia, Martine, Andrea, Anna
This week was amazing. What we liked most in Valencia were the fiestas. The decorations, the lights, the fallas, the mascots, the people on the streets, the food, the ‘botellón’ at night… We loved the city for its historic monuments, Turia’s riverbed and for ‘la ciudad de las artes y las ciencias’.
The panoramic view of the city that was had from the Miguelete was also a previous sight, because we could see the sea from one side and mountains on the other. We discovered lots about cute animals in the oceanografico. The dolphin show was the most fun.
We spent an amazing week with our Spanish families, who were hospitable and kind with us.
Our teachers in Taronja, Alex and Victor, taught us Spanish in a fun way and Marta, our guide, was really kind as well.
Serena, Mirela, Alice, Alex
What we liked most about Valencia was the Oceonagrafico and the bullfighting. We went to Albufera and the beach by boat, and we also visited the ‘Museo Fallero’, the ‘Museo Taurino’ and ‘la Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias’. The city seems very big and beautiful.
We loved the pubs and the ‘Las Animas de Puerto’ club. The classes were interesting and the teachers really kind. The first few days the weather was awful, but then it became sunny.
The family that we stayed with were very hospitable, funny and kind, and we got on very well. Also, the food was very good, for example the paella.
Claudia, Elena, Elisa, Giorgie

Tags: spanish courses spain, spanish courses valencia, Taronja Spanish school