Annika, Austria
Hello! My 2 weeks at Taronja have already finished. The experience was marvelous. I had a great time in the school and in Valencia. The teachers are fantastic, very friendly and competent. I learnt a lot of things and my Spanish improved. I got to know many fantastic people in Taronja. I love the city of Valencia because there is a lot of atmosphere and the teachers are very, very, welcoming, in particular my host family. With the school we did many fun activities. Overall, everything was perfect. Thank you very much!
Tags: aprender español y disfrutar, Cursos de español, Cursos de español en España, Cursos de español en Valencia, Escuela de español en España, Escuela de español en Valencia, Escuela de español Taronja, escuela espanol en espana, español en la escuela Taronja de Valencia, estudia español en españa, spanish courses spain, Spanish school in Valencia, taronja, Taronja Spanish school, taronja the spanish school in valencia, Valencia city and Spanish classes, valencia to learn spanish