My time in Valencia was absolutely fantastic. We had a great time at the Oceanografico. We saw a lot of interesting attractions at the aquarium. As well the Science Museum in Valencia was quite fun to visit.
At the very first night when we arrived we met our supervisor Marta who took us by coach. She´s very nice and sometimes really fun tu be with. The Taronja school was a good experience for us to visit Valencia. In the morning we also had to study two lessons each day, even though we were allowed to go outside of our classroom during break time. We had different teachers for each interval. My time at Valencia was very fantastic. Valencia is unforgettable!
Names: Henry, Anthony and Devin
Country: England
The Taronja school is very good. We are Aaron, Anooj and Louie and we´re from England. We were in Valencia and went to the Taronja school and we really enjoyed it. The teachers at the school are funny and nice.
We visited the old town and played a football match on Monday. It was amazing. On Tuesday we went to the Oceanografico and also saw a dolphin show. On Wednesday we went to the beach and the science museum. It was very fascinating, We visited the zoo on Thursday and on the last day we spent the whole day at the national park.
The voyage to Valencia was fantastic and we got to know many people from all over the world.
Names: Aaron, Anooj, Louie
Country: England
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